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Critique - Kind, Helpful and Specific

Ron Berger is the educator and presenter who first got me excited and inspired about kind, helpful and specific critique in the classroom.


He wrote a book called An Ethic of Excellence: Building a Culture of Craftsmanship with Students that we all read as founding members of High Tech Middle Media Arts.


HERE is another video of Ron Berger leading a Group Critique Lesson.


Although not directly related to critique, this video, Contributing to a Better World: Walking in Solidarity, shows the strength of community coming together to create a more kind and helpful world. It features, Atak, one of the young men in 4th grade during the Austin's Butterfly video.

Creating a culture of kind, helpful and specific critique in the classroom is a key step in creating beautiful work and opportunities for positive collaboration between students. To the left is a video of Ron Berger (an incredible model for critique and creating beautiful work) introducing peer critique to a group of students of different ages.


HERE is a Prezi presentation that could be used to introduce peer critique in your classroom.


Below are some documents to help facilitate peer critique in the classroom -


An Article on Beautiful Work


A Peer Critique Sheet for a Story


Peer Critique Sentence Starters


Peer Critique One-Sheet for Middle School or High School


Printable Peer Review Sheet (Generic)


Peer Critique Form for an Essay


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